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Инактивация вирусов в плазме крови

Глубокоуважаемый Евгений Борисович! Насколько эффективна система инактивации вирусов в плазме крови Macotronik? Существует ли достоверная официальная информация по ней? Стоит ли учреждению приобретать ее?

Спасибо за ответ!

госпитальный эпидемиолог
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Ответ на "Инактивация вирусов в плазме крови"

Уважаемый Евгений! Отвечаю по пунктам. 1) Эта система - лучшее, что придумало человечество в области безопасности переливания плазмы.
2) Информации достаточно, можно посмотреть:
1. Федеральный закон Российской Федерации от 23 февраля 1996 г. № 19-ФЗ "О присоединении России к Уставу Совета Европы"
2. Abe H., Wagner S.J. Analysis of viral DNA, protein and envelope damage after methylene blue, phthalocyanine derivative or merocyanine 540 photosensitization// Photochem. Photobiol.-1995.- Vol. 61, №4.- P. 402-409
3. Allain J.P., Bianco C., Blajchman M.A. et al. Protecting the blood supply from emerging pathogens: the role of pathogen inactivation// Transfus. Med. Rev.- 2005.- Vol.19, №2.- P.110-126
4. Aznar J.A., Molina R., Montoro J.M. Factor VIII/von Willebrand factor complex in methylene blue-treated fresh plasma//Transfusion.- 1999.- Vol. 39, №7.- P 748-750
5. Burnouf T., Radosevich M., El-Ekiaby M., et al. Nanofiltration of single plasma donations: feasibility study// Vox Sang.- 2003.- Vol.84.- P.111-119
6. Burnouf-Radosevich M., Burnouf T., Huart J.J. A pasteurized therapeutic plasma// Infusionsther Transfusionsmed.- 1992.- Vol.19.- P.91-94
7. Cardigan R., Lawrie A.S., Mackie I.J., Williamson L. M. The quality of fresh-frozen plasma produced from whole blood stored at 4°C overnight// Transfusion.- 2005.- Vol. 45, №8.- P, 1342-1348
8. Corbin F. Pathogen inactivation of blood components: current status and introduction of an approach using riboflavin as a photosensitizer// Int. J. Hematol.- 2002.- Vol.76, (Suppl 2).- P.253-257
9. Crettaz D., Sensebe L., Vu DH. et al. Proteomics of methylene blue photo-treated plasma before and after removal of the dye by an absorbent filter// Proteomics.- 2004.- Vol.4, №3.- P.881-891
10. Depasse F., Sensebe L., Seghatchian J. et al. The influence of methylene blue light treatment and methylene blue removal filter on fibrinogen activity states and fibrin polymerisation indices// Transfus. Apher. Sci.- 2005.- Vol.33, №1.- P.63-69
11. Floyd R.A., Schneider J.E., Dittmer D.P. Methylene blue photoinactivation of RNA viruses// Antiviral Res.- 2004.- Vol.61, №3.- P.141-151
12. Garwood M., Cardigan R.A., Drummond O. et al., The effect of methylene blue photoinactivation and methylene blue removal on the quality of fresh-frozen plasma// Transfusion.- 2003.- Vol.43, №9.- P.1238-1247
13. Goubran HA, Burnouf T, Radosevich M. Virucidal heat-treatment of single plasma units: a potential approach for developing countries // Haemophilia.- 2000.- Vol.6.- P.597-604
14. Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components. Recommendation № R(95)15/ 12th edition, Council of Europe, 2006.- 268 p.
15. Guidelines for viral inactivation and removal procedures intended to assure the viral safety of human blood plasma products// WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization.- Geneva, 2001.- 72 p.
16. Hambleton J., Wages D., Radu-Radulescu L., et al. Pharmacokinetic study of FFP photochemically treated with amotosalen (S-59) and UV light compared to FFP in healthy volunteers anticoagulated with warfarin// Transfusion.- 2002.- Vol.42.- P.1302-1307
17. Hornsey V.S., Young D.A., Docherty A. Cryoprecipitate prepared from plasma treated with methylene blue plus light: increasing the fibrinogen concentration// Transfus. Med.- 2004.- Vol.14, №5.- P.369-374
18. Knuever-Hopf J., Vogt I., Mohr H. The influence of photodynamic treatment on the genome and the infectivity of parvovirus B19// Transfusion Clin. Biol.- 2001.- Vol.8, Suppl 1.- P.141
19. Lambrecht B., Mohr H., Knuver-Hopf J., Schmitt H. Photoinactivation of viruses in human fresh plasma by phenothiazine dyes in combination with visible light// Vox Sang.- 1991.- Vol.60.- P.207-213
20. Marinella M.A. When brown and blue make red: a case of acquired methemoglobinemia// Heart Lung.- 2006.- Vol.35, №3.- P.205-206
21. Muller N., Reichenberg S. Preservation of plasma quality after methylene blue treatment// Transfus. Med. Hemother.- 2005.- Vol. 89, Suppl. 1.- P.64
22. Muller-Breitkreutz K., Mohr H. Hepatitis C and human immunodeficiency virus RNA degradation by methylene blue/light treatment of human plasma// J. Med. Virol.- 1998.- Vol.56, №3.- P.239-245
23. O'Shaughnessy D.F., Atterbury C., Bolton Maggs P. et al. Guidelines for the use of fresh-frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate and cryosupernatant// Br. J. Haematol.- 2004.- Vol.126, №1.- P.11-28
24. Pamphilon D. Viral inactivation of fresh frozen plasma// Br. J. Haematol.- 2006.- Vol.109, №4.- P.680-693
25. Papin J.F., Floyd R.A., Dittmer D.P. Methylene blue photoinactivation abolishes West Nile virus infectivity in vivo// Antiviral. Res.- 2005.- Vol.68, №2.- P.84-87
26. Peer G., Itzhakov E., Wollman Y. et al. Methylene blue, a nitric oxide inhibitor, prevents haemodialysis hypotension// Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation.- 2001.- Vol.16, №7.- P. 1436-1441
27. Pelletier J.P., Transue S., Snyder E.L. Pathogen inactivation techniques// Best Pract. Res. Clin. Haematol.- 2006.- Vol.19, №1.- P.205-242
28. Piet M.P., Chin S., Prince A.M. et al. The use of tri(n-butyl)phosphate detergent mixtures to inactivate hepatitis viruses and human immunodeficiency virus in plasma and plasma's subsequent fractionation // Transfusion.- 1990.- Vol.30.- P.591-598
29. Reichenberg S., Muller N. Quality of Theraflex MB-plasma during storage and treatment// Vox Sang.- 2005.- Vol. 89, Suppl. 1.- P. 137
30. Riggert J., Humpe A., Legler T.J. et al. Filtration of methylene blue-photooxidized plasma: influence on coagulation and cellular contamination// Transfusion.- 2001.- Vol. 41, №1.- P, 82-86
31. Shanmugam G. Vasoplegic syndrome - the role of methylene blue// Eur. J. Cardiothorac. Surg.- 2005.- Vol.28, №5.- P.705-710
32. Seghatchian J. What is happening? Are the current acceptance criteria for therapeutic plasma adequate?// Transfus. Apheresis. Sci.- 2004.- Vol.31, №1.- P.67-79
33. Zhou X.P., Xu J.B., Sun P. The effect of methylene blue/photochemical method for virus inactivation on plasma components// Zhongguo Shi Yan Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi.- 2003.- Vol.11, №3.- P.305-307
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3) Стоит.

Автор ответа: Е.Жибурт
Дата ответа: 17.02.2007

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